Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dialogue: What's your name again?

An actual conversation

“There came a time in our lives - around the age of eight - when we chose the paths we would travel. Some chose the fiery route, claiming rage over other senses. Some picked the serene water path, resulting in tranquility of mind. Others claimed the natural green life, giving the great gift of philosophy.”

“Dude, our childhood was Pokemon, not some monologue from Zelda.”

“Thee doth protest too much, methinks.”

“No! You’re not allowed to quote Hamlet! It’s part of Godwin’s law, I’m pretty sure.”

“I see you chose Charmander, didn’t you?”

“Duh, all the cool kids picked Charmander”

“If I chose Bulbasaur, Oak’s grandson would choose Charmander. Would that make him cool?”

“No, because Gary is a douche no matter what.”

“So picking Charmander wouldn’t make a kid automatically cool?”

“It may give him some cool points, but he doesn’t get in that easy. If he named his character Red, he was automatically out, for example. Gary‘s a computer anyway and doesn‘t count. Now what really separated us, at age eight, was the color of game you played. Red versus Blue, the Crips and Bloods of elementary school.”

“What was different between the two games”

“Are you kidding me?! Everything! The screen hue was different, there were different Pokemon to capture, and I swear to you the dialogue was a bit different.”

"So between the version and Pokemon, what was your favorite combination?"

"Red, Charmander. You?"

"Red, Bulbasaur. Blue version pretty much sucked all around."

"Here, here!"

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