Thursday, March 31, 2011

Prompt 37: Tear down this lie

American culture loves it's heroes; John Henry pulled an early victory out against machines, Benjamin Franklin damn near built this whole country while in France and Nicola Tesla made Thomas Edison famous! Though, America tends to twist historic identities through time. Take Christopher Columbus, in 1492 he sailed the ocean blue and discovered this great country. Except for the fact he never set foot in the future country and wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. Another example is George Washington, remember learning about the cherry tree? He chopped it down, but young Washington was so virtuous he could not tell a lie. This is also a fabricated story, besides I'm not sure the inability to lie would be very resourceful while in war.

These examples are forgivable, after all, America was so young that the people needed icons to cling on to. Heading into the twentieth century, America had a strong base of heroes. One could say enough to fill a mountain. Surely today, with our Old Hickorys and Great Emancipators, America can finally stop constructing fake identities.

Enter Ronald Reagan. The man who, alongside Rocky IV, defeated the Evil Empire and was overall simply awesome. How could Ronald Reagan's history possibly be tampered with? The vast majority of the population could very well have had voted for the man, they would remember what they voted for. That's mostly true, though it seems FOX news is taking liberties with the 40th President.

To them, Ronald Reagan stands for every Conservative ideology. He beat the communists, he's anti-socialism, given the chance he could have taken Bin Laden out with nothing more than a stick of gum, a toothpick and a pair of wool socks. Seemingly every time a tax raise is mentioned today, it's mentioned how Reagan would never allow tax breaks to expire. However, it's just not possible to run this country without taxes, as Reagan found out. (CNN, not my cup of tea, either.) Reagan is becoming a mascot for FOX and is used to benefit their opinions.

I remain hopeful that Reagan will be remembered for what he was, not what a cable network station wants him to be. Come on, history, win one for the Gipper.

I'd love to post videos, but I only have 15 minutes to find one. So here's Zombie Reagan on The Onion

Zombie Reagan Raised From Grave To Lead GOP

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